Wednesday, March 23, 2005



There are only five of these jackets in the world right now- three are
in the US, one is in Germany, and one is in Sweden. They were the
unofficial travel uniform for the Brandywine Valley delegation to the
Helt i 100 village in Tromsø, Norway in 2004. We got them custom-made
and hand-stitched from a company called Neighborhoodies- they're based
in New York City, but you can order from anywhere in the world through
their website. I wore mine almost every day, and I had a matching
t-shirt that I traded away.


Nick said...

Thanks Toby, for sending your pictures, I do hope more people will send in pictures soon. Unfortunately it still says "posted by Nick" under each picture - gotta change that some time. BTW: Great Austin Powers quote!

Anonymous said...

But some people have the t-shirt version of it!
Love dude!