Friday, April 01, 2005

I love this shirt!

After Toby (USA), the incredible, added another 19 pictures to the archive, we actually hit our upload maximum for March on Flickr. Now It's April, and everybody is more than welcome to contribute more shirts to the archive. I've actually got some more cool ones on my harddisk. To make the site more fun and celebrating more than 100 shirts in the archive, I've added a new feature: Under every picture you can now find an "I love this shirt" button, and vote for your favourite CISV shirt. You will then be taken to a site that displays the most popular shirts. Enjoy! PS. This is not an April fool's joke!


Nick said...

It's not "I love these undies!", really. But then again, it's one of the funniest copntributions...

Nick said...

Some Costa Rican smartass clicked on the Costa Rican shirts' I-love-this-shirt-buttons until they appeared on top of the shirt top ten. But sorry, this won't work anymore: You can now only vote once for every shirt.