The ultimate archive of decades of international CISV-T-Shirt design.
We made staff shirts for our village this summer based on the movieposter for "28 days later" (zombie movie).Peace By Piece 2009 - Cincinnati, OH USASCOTT & STAFF
I love that t-shirt. I have a special connection to that movie and to see the movie connected to CISV this way is awesome. Great work
You can't see well enough, but here's what it says:Day 1: AnticipationDay 3: ConversationDay 8: EducationDay 15: CollaborationDay 20: Transformation28 Days LaterThe Days are Numberedhaha. Pretty close to the poster:
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I love that t-shirt. I have a special connection to that movie and to see the movie connected to CISV this way is awesome. Great work
You can't see well enough, but here's what it says:
Day 1: Anticipation
Day 3: Conversation
Day 8: Education
Day 15: Collaboration
Day 20: Transformation
28 Days Later
The Days are Numbered
haha. Pretty close to the poster:
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