Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Rubber Duck T-Shirt

The greatness of this T-shirt does not lie in the very nice front of it with our dear yellow rubberduck sitting on top of the world, the great drawing by Eline (BEL).

The whole story behind this T-shirt lies in the statistics on its back, something all the participants came up with, telling many wonderful stories and memories from the Seminar. From the enormous amounts of food consumed in those 3 weeks, especially that addictive sweet bread, to the great special memories of the shisha nights, the lucy game and the pool and the tanning hours spent at free time, to the very few bad moments, trips to the hospital, and the excessive amount of very f*********ly annoying flies around the camp site and the endless votes that made camp meetings so long and boring because we kept voting on everything.

The shirt comes in black and white with the new CISV Portugal logo on one of its sleeves, the name of the camp – Rubberduck Seminar Camp - on the front over the rubberduck peacefully taking over the world and the host country and year – Portugal 2007 – under the drawing and the names of the participants and staffs on the back under the fun statistics.

The Rubberduck Seminar Camp. Portugal 2007. 25 participants. 6 amazing staffs. 14 countries. 3 weeks. PRICELESS!

Hani (LEB)

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