Saturday, March 26, 2005



Here's another fabulous CISV shirt from the Sao Paolo chapter, and
again, I have no idea who the designer is. Traded for at the Helt i
100 village in Tromsø, 2004.

Brazilians, you guys should give these designers their proper credit
in the comments. They make awesome shirts, they deserve some
recognition for it!

Toby (USA)


Nick said...

Very cool T-Shirt. I just wonder why they chose the Mercedes-Benz logo instead of the Peace logo. I suspect some product placement here, like the Costa-Rican Puma one

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, I never noticed that. I guess my brain just filled it in automatically... wow.

Anonymous said...

Hey Toby. I'm from Sao Paulo Chapter. It's hard to give the credits to the t-shirts designers because we don't have just one, we have a few designers that make new "collections" every year. The t-shirts and sweaters from 2005 are gonna be avaiable in June, before all the delegation leave Sao Paulo!