Saturday, February 19, 2005



Aynsley (CAN): "Kakmonster Kamp is my Seminar Camp in Philadelphia
(1998). The name came from a conversation among some participants
about Sesame Street. The infamous Chris Pollock and Caroline Sandman
are responsible for the lovely artwork. And we all know that everyone
wants a pony!"


Anonymous said...

I for sure met chris after he designed this wonderful shirt... I must say- I was 12 at the time and so jealous that I did not get to go to the seminar in philly...

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh I remember Aynsley and Gordon wearing their Kakmonster shirts in our Summer Camp in Victoria! This shirt is great. I want a pony.

Unknown said...

I am amused by the name - in Afrikaans (I live in Cape Town, South Africa, and Afrikaans is my native language) kak means shit and monster is also an Afrikaans word, as is kamp (with a "k"). Kakmonster = Shit(ty) Monster. Where did this name originate?