Monday, February 19, 2007

We got the same t-shirt!!

I got this t-shirt in Costa Rica.... and I love that in my Semminar Camp in

Japan (2002) a guy from Brazil also had it!!! it`s the sweetest shirt....

Maca (Colombia)

sexy brazilian t-shirt!

I got it in Brazil in 1997, here I`m in my semminar camp in Japan in 2002.

It says "dont walk in front of me, i may not follow, dont walk behind me, i

may not lead, walk behind me and be my friend" a very comfortable shirt

because it does not have sleeves....AND I LOVE IT!!

Maca (Colombia)

My first CISV-shirt

This is my first CISV-shirt, from my village "cingov village" in Slovakia in


Maca (Colombia)